Friday, June 20, 2014

Anyone? Anyone?

Does anyone even blog anymore? I did back in '11 and so did a lot of my friends. I was just looking over their blogs and it appears that we all stopped around the same time. Where did we all go? Do we not have anything to say anymore?

In looking at Facebook recently I've noticed that the majority of things on there are things that people are "sharing" with their "friends". Meaning, someone else came up with it and you just hit the "share" button to show your friends something cool that you didn't feel the time or desire to put into it yourself. 

Are we really that busy? Are we really that zoned out that we can't even come up with a few moments to let our "friends" know how we are doing? 

As I updated my blog with pictures from my phone I thought, "I wonder if there is a quicker way to get these pictures on my blog?" I didn't even want to take 5 minutes to write something out to go along with the pictures. Thankfully I remembered that I can email them from my phone to my blog. Oh wait.... That's how I'm updating this blog right now.... For shame. 

At least I didn't have to get up off my bed to post to my blog. 

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